Welcome to The O'Brien Centre
Providing a safe environment for those living with mental illness, their carers, families and friends in Orange, NSW. Donate NowGet InvolvedAbout The O’Brien Centre
Established in 1998, the O’Brien Centre provides a safe environment where people with a mental illness have the opportunity to develop friendships, gain social and work skills, advocate for their issues and work to overcome the stigma around mental illness.
The former Mid-Western Area Health Service donated land and several large sheds on the grounds of Bloomfield Hospital which has evolved into a centre that can accommodate a diverse range of activities and programs.
While the O’Brien Centre provides an important means for people with a mental illness to develop skills, confidence and a support network to enable a smooth transition into the community, the awareness of the amazing outcomes from the program are not widely known, and require amplification through traditional and digital media streams.
We aim to create a mixture of organic and high-end content on a monthly basis, that aims to increase awareness of the centre, and ultimately grow the client base thereby ensuring the viability and longevity of the services it provides.


Get Involved
The O’Brien Centre is a safe place for those living with mental illness, their carers, families and friends. Created as a place you can come together and socialise in a non-judgemental environment.
What can you do?
Music Shed (Band), Internet Cafe, Recovery Garden, Pool Table, BBQ, Art, Bike Riding, Library, Help in our kitchen with food, Ceramics, Basketball, Cooking Classes and so so much more!

Interested in Volunteering?
Our centre is run with the help of volunteers and is always looking for more help. If you would like to volunteer please email info@theobriencentre.com.au
“Live by Truth, Honesty and Love”
~ Ghandi ~

Contact Us
Where are we?
The O’Brien Centre is off Huntley Road, past Jack Brabham Park, first Bloomfield entrance on the right. The centre can also be accessed via the first Bloomfield entrance on Forest Road.
130 Huntley Road, Orange NSW 2800 | P.O. Box 2035, Orange NSW 2800